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Monday, October 26, 2009


Our break is almost finished. Next week we'll go back to school but my hubby already started their classes today. Tomorrow, I need to go to school for a general check-up. I supposed to post here some photos taken during our English camp but I'm still too busy. I had to do it the next time I have time. Stay tuned:)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Teaching with Impact

If you want your teaching to have impact, you must do these three things:

1. Know your students. And that takes commitment and time. This is where we lose a lot of teachers. There's no magic formula. Good teaching has a price tag: you've got to be willing to pour out your life for others. If your students have to trip you up on your way out of class in order to have a moment with you, you're not going to reach them. People don't care how much you know, until they first know how much you care (Watch the Freedom Writers).

2. Earn the right to be heard. Walk out on the street and tell the first guy you meet that you know what his problem is-and he'll probably give you a piece of his mind. Even you know what his problem is , you won't get through to him . Credibility must precede communication. And our celebrity society has never figured that out. You must earn a hearing!

3. Be willing to become vulnerable. It's the broken who become masters at mending. Don't be afraid to let people know what you're struggling with, and what you've struggled with through the years. People tend to see us in terms of where we are now, rather than in light of where we've come from and what we've been through. They didn't see the process. So tell them about the God you know personally, and what He's brought you through. That'll impact them every time!

Want to be a teacher who "gets through?" Practice these principles.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

English Camp starts tomorrow!

Our English camp will start tomorrow until the 16th from 9-12 noon. It's termed "English camp" but don't expect that we're going somewhere else and have the real camping. We'll just stay in our classroom and do the regular class but I wanna make it different. I want my learners to enjoy our class through games and songs. I wanna let them explore their speaking skill. By the way, I'll be teaching Anuban 2- the same students I handled on the first semester so it's not so hard for me to adjust and teach them coz I already had background on their learning capacity. I was not formally informed as always but I've heard that I'll be handling about 25 Anuban 2 students so for me it's just a piece of cake with my God as my strength and guide.

Though my class stops at 12 noon. I planned to stay the whole afternoon at school coz I'm not yet done with my worksheets for K2 for the second semester. I've done the worksheets for K1 already last Thursday. Last Friday, I supposed to finish the K2 worksheets but I wasn't able to go to school due to bad weather, laziness and health condition. I'm also planning to devote my afternoons for 2 weeks to accomplish the visual aids that I'll be using for the 2nd semester.

I need your prayers.
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